
Hello! My name is Shannon, and I am a designer, ceramicist, home cook, and maybe an all around curious and exploratory creative. I grew up in Kansas, studied art and design in the midwest, and moved to NYC, where I lived for 12 years, worked, explored, and raised my two girls for the first part of their lives before moving to Florida. I currently reside in the Tampa area, where I work out of my home studio and continue to explore and create. I love all things art, and I draw inspiration from many different places—the natural world, life, humans, flavors, feelings, colors, textures, and above all, perhaps, friends and artists. 

I am a graphic designer by trade, with over 20 years of experience. For the past 14 years, I have worked as a product designer in education technology–I find it rewarding to build experiences that help kids from all backgrounds and abilities.

I enjoy explorations through different mediums, so you might find different, unexpected items showing up in the shop every now and again. I love to cook and bake, as well, so if you follow my social media, you’ll see lots of made-up recipes, some baking explorations, and a bit of mixology. You can keep up with me and my works-in-progress on Instagram.

© 2021 The Speckled Plate